Convert factor to character

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In R, you used sometimes functions to convert vectors to another format with as.character, as.factor or as.numeric.

However, you need to be careful when using the function as.numeric on a factor. Indeed, if the factor contains factor number, it will convert them to the level number and not convert the writing number from your factor.

Here is a short example:

set.seed(23) #set.seed to have the same random value as in this example
to_convert <- factor(runif(1:10, min = 0, max = 100))

[1] "22.3072855733335" "33.1896589370444" "42.3720560967922" "57.6603659661487"
[5] "71.072455169633"  "81.9448956055567" "84.052187949419"  "96.3544549420476"
[9] "97.8130409261212" "99.6611237060279"
data.table(factor_to_convert = to_convert, 
           using_as_numeric_only = as.numeric(to_convert), 
           using_as_character_first = as.numeric(as.character(to_convert)))
factor_to_convert using_as_numeric_only using_as_character_first
57.6603659661487 4 57.6603659661487
22.3072855733335 1 22.3072855733335
33.1896589370444 2 33.1896589370444
71.072455169633 5 71.072455169633
81.9448956055567 6 81.9448956055567
42.3720560967922 3 42.3720560967922
96.3544549420476 8 96.3544549420476
97.8130409261212 9 97.8130409261212
84.052187949419 7 84.052187949419
99.6611237060279 10 99.6611237060279

So, be careful when you are using factor with numerical levels and you want to convert them.