

Hide your password in R

There is several way to hide password in R. I recommend you to see this video if you want to have a more accurate picture on how to do it using fully encryp...

Mean of the n last or first

A small post today that could be very useful. A colleague ask me how to compute the mean of the 5 oldest trees in a populations. The following code that I h...

parallelisation computing

I already show you how to do for loop and nested for loop. When you want to do parallelisation computing, you simply replace the for command by the foreach ...

.emacs in org mode

Usually, when you are using Emacs, all your favourite shortcut and others Emacs characteristic are in the .emacs file. However, to have a better .emacs orga...

Nested for loop

I already talk about single for loop in a previous post. The same way we did for loop for a single object, we can do it multiple times.


When you are doing a lot of R, you can find two different kind of people, the dplyr and the data.table people. Indeed, those to packages are used for table ...


How you organise yourself when doing R will make it easier for you if you need to go back to your script weeks or years after, and to share with others peop...

Creating a function

In R, most of people used build-in functions which are very useful for all basics statistical analyses. When you need to do more complex statistics you can ...

For loop

Using loop with R is not the proper behaviour to have. Indeed, using the apply functions family such as tapply, lapply, and so one are a better way to do it...

Convert factor to character

In R, you used sometimes functions to convert vectors to another format with as.character, as.factor or as.numeric.


Emacs + ESS = loving R

Since my second year of university I have studied Statistic with R on Windows using the basic text editor from the R GUI console. I was happy with it for a ...